The UWorld Legal Blog
7 Ways to De-Stress After Law School Finals
Law school finals are over, but you still have stress? Discover 7 realistic ways to unwind, recharge, and stay sane — all with a healthy dose of humor and zero need for expensive or time-consuming self-care.
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How Many Times Can You Take the Bar Exam by State?
Ever wondered how many times you can take the bar exam? For most jurisdictions, it’s unlimited, but some states limit the number of attempts. Here’s an overview.
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What you do on test day is just as important as what you do in the weeks leading up to it. Here are some tips that will help you succeed
Trespass to Chattels and Conversion
Trespass to chattels and conversion are often confused. Read this article to know the key distinction between them.
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Mailbox Rule—Do you have a Contract?
As with all areas of the law in MBE, the mailbox rule has nuances and exceptions. This quick tip simplifies those nuances to clarify the mailbox rule.
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Political Question Doctrine – Can I ask a Political Question?
Political question doctrine-How do you determine when a case involves a nonjusticiable political question? Use this MBE quick tip to find out.
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Proofreading your document is critical for every legal writer. How do you proofread effectively? Use this tip from UWorld to proofread effectively.
Legal Writing Skills: Conquer the Comma!
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Real Property Quick Tip: How to Oust a Cotenant
Ouster is a tenancy problem that commonly appears on the bar exam. Use this tip to learn the trick to answer MBE questions related to ouster.