July 2020 Bar Exam: COVID-19 Impact FAQ

Student stressing over whether or not the July 2020 MBE® Exam will be canceled or postponed

We realize that these are challenging and unprecedented times for law students. Many of you might be wondering if the July 2020 bar exam will be postponed or canceled. That’s why we’ve put together a quick FAQ to address some of your most pressing questions.

1) Will the July bar exam be postponed or canceled?

NCBE® controls testing dates for the MBE®, MEE®, and MPT®, which are subject to change during this unpredictable time. NCBE has stated that they will be making a decision on whether to administer these components for the July exam on or about May 5th. The good news is that NCBE is working hard to administer these exams in the fall of 2020. This will be for jurisdictions that cannot administer the bar exam in July, or cannot administer at normal seating capacity. 

To provide needed flexibility for jurisdictions and candidates, in addition to preparing materials for a July bar exam, NCBE will make bar exam materials available for two fall administrations in 2020: September 9-10 and September 30-October 1. Each jurisdiction will determine whether to offer the exam in July, in early September, or in late September. You can find up-to-date information about the July bar exam at NCBE’s COVID-19 updates page so be sure to monitor it often.

2) Should I still go ahead and register for the July bar exam?

As of the date of this posting, the following jurisdictions have announced that they have rescheduled their July bar exams until fall 2020: Connecticut, Hawaii, Massachusetts, and New York. The remaining jurisdictions have not postponed or canceled the July 2020 exams. This means that, for the time being, the exams will proceed as scheduled in those jurisdictions. However, considering this uncertainty, we can only suggest that you use your best judgment on whether to proceed with registration. We recommend that you closely monitor the official updates from NCBE and consult with the board of bar examiners for the state in which you seek licensure.

3) What will happen if I purchase the July 2020 QBank product and NCBE cancels the July MBE exam?

If you purchase the UWorld MBE QBank for the July 2020 MBE® exam and NCBE cancels the July exam, we will extend your access to the QBank until the next exam in the fall of 2020. This extension will be at no additional cost to you. 

We wish you the best of luck in your MBE exam prep! For questions or concerns regarding the UWorld MBE QBank, please contact us at [email protected].

If you are prepping for an upcoming MBE® exam, and you want to make sure you are thoroughly prepared, click here for our FREE trial. We’ll have you ready to ace the MBE on exam day.

NCBE®, MBE®, MPRE®, MPT®, and UBE® are trademarks of the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE ® ). UWorld is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with NCBE.

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